Case Study on

Web Application Prisoners


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United States





Business Requirement

The client requirement was to build an application from the scratch to enable the people in the prison lead a normal life. The app would prove to be an aid for them before, during and after being sentenced. The target audience for the application was the jails in the US.

We were required to build a content based e-commerce application from the scratch that targeted USA. This application would enable:

  • People to search the jails, prisoners and read relevant articles
  • The prisoners to sign-up and create inmate profiles so as to communicate with other prisoners.
  • The friends and relatives of the prisoners, to communicate with them in multiple ways such as phone, send letters, messages.
  • The friends and relatives of the prisoners to buy magazines for them and send.

In case of this application the sending of messages, letters, magazines and buying phone lines to talk to inmates would work exactly like E-commerce. People would have to purchase all the stuff online which would be later procured to the inmates through their backend operations.

Business Objectives 2

Solution Offered

To accomplish this project, the major task was to convert the existing PHP website into a Ruby On rails one for which we revamped the entire website design and also, implemented single checkout to make their ecommerce handier as compared to the already existing different buy options for each product. So, the team worked to create User interface and user experience to cater well to its target audience and worked on the design theme accordingly for all the different pages. We were eventually, successful at building a smooth ecommerce experience by including related article concept and the Single Checkout process.

Client details are protected under strict NDA and, therefore we do not disclose such information. However, we can provide references once you make an enquiry.

Technology Stack

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Ruby 2.1.3
  • Rails 4.2
  • Jquery
  • HTML/CSS Bootstrap
  • MySQL

Gems Used

Devise, sprockets, valid_email2, active_admin, active_admin_import, rails4-autocomplete, font-awesome-rails, Capistrano, rubyfish, gretel Carrierwave, activemerchant, bcrypt, puma, will_paginate, ckeditor, prawn php_serialize.

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